Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Well. I have a good excuse why only now I'm posting and sharing the Christmas party that my friends and I had.
Broadband is still fucked up and I am still not ok, emotionally.
I don't want to ever say that I'm ok if I'm not really.

Christmas party was spent to my best friend's house. It's for a change, I guess.
We've spent the past 2 Christmas party in my place and cleaning ain't fun.
I've saved so much energy cleaning last year. LOL.

We're pretty complete this year and there are even new found friends.
I can never be happy that one of my best friends, Luis,was able to make it home from Germany.
As always, I am in charge in making sure that people will come, the food we're bringing and if we'll do something special like last year's SOMETHING LONG exchange gift.

We always prefer potluck to save effort and to have variety of food to munch!


This is everyone who joined the exchange gift.
No matter how simple the gift we got, we're still happy, right?

I accused Kim of cheating because she's wishing to get my gift because it's food
Her baby in the tummy likes eating too much sweets that time >.<


What's a happy party without our yearly supply of booze? =)

Jagermeister that cleanse our lungs from Luis
Bacardi that burned our intestines from Lei

Our official tanggera, ate J.O!


And my Christmas Party haul
Not complete though
Wasn't able to take photo of BM's gift from the exchange gift

I'm a one happy little girl that day
I get to spend my night with those who are loyal and true to me from the start
and will forever be.

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